Counseling 104 - Introduction to College Success Strategies (1 unit)
This course is designed to equip students with the skills they need to be successful
in college. An overview of college expectations, student responsibilities, successful
student behavior, and study skills will be presented. Students will be exposed to
strategies for goal setting, educational planning, time management, textbook reading,
note-taking, and test preparation. They will also be introduced to degree/transfer
programs and campus resources.
Counseling 110 - Career Decision Making (1 unit)
Lecture, group discussion, experiential activities and vocational assessment tools
will be utilized to assist students in identifying their individual interests, values,
and personality styles. Students will conduct educational and career research that
will help them relate their vocational assessment results to setting academic and
career goals. Students will learn essential skills to getting a job; resume formats,
job application and interviewing techniques.
Transfers to CSU
Counseling 120 - College and Career Success (3 units)
Learn how to be successful in college by improving study skills such as textbook reading
and marking,
note-taking, listening to lectures, managing time, studying for tests and improving
memory. Additional success topics include exploring motivation and attitudes, managing
stress, developing creativity, improving communications and relationships, and maintaining
optimum health. Discover your values, interests, aptitudes and personal strengths
in order to plan your education and a successful career.
Satisfies General Education for: CSU E
Transfers to CSU, UC
Counseling 130 - Study Skills and Time Management (1 unit)
This course is designed to prepare students to adjust to the academic community by
learning to plan and study effectively within given time limitations. Strategies include:
time management, textbook mastery, library research skills, note-taking, exam preparation,
goal-setting, and stress reduction and educational planning.
Transfers to CSU