New Students

Eligible veterans and dependents who have never used their VA educational benefits.

  1. Apply for admission to Grossmont College at CCC Apply

  2. Apply for your VA education benefits using eBenefits at

  3. Apply for financial aid at

  4. Veterans: Submit your DD214 member 4 copy to to request priority registration. Active Duty service members submit a copy of your military ID to to request priority registration. For active duty this  request has to be made every semester you would like priority registration, veterans only need to request priority registration once with their DD 214.

  5. Complete the English/Math placement questionnaire "Step Two" on Self-Service in the Students Menu Under "Orientation/Placement/Advise"

  6.  Schedule an appointment to meet with a Veterans Resource Center (VRC) counselor(click here) and create your education plan. You will need your 7 digit student ID number to use the online appointment system. You can also contact the VRC at (619) 644-2237 to schedule your appointment.  The VRC is located in Building 36-100 (Let the staff know that you are a Veteran or military affiliated) We offer in person, phone and zoom appointments please let us know your preference.                                                                                                               
  7. Register for courses using Self Service

  8. Turn in certificate of eligibility (COE) to the Veterans Resource Center (VRC) at 36-100 or via e-mail if you are planning to use VA education benefits

  9. Complete a Grossmont College Intent Form every semester you plan to use VA education benefits and submit it to 36-100 or to request to be certified for VA education benefits. Grossmont College does not assume that when you register for courses you plan to use VA education benefits. You control when you choose to use benefits and submitting the intent form is how you communicate you plan to use VA education benefits. If the VRC does not receive all of your required documentation for VA benefits your VA payment will not be processed. 

  10. Buy your books and attend class(es). See link on Self-Service under the home screen "My Textbooks" for the required textbooks for your class(es). Keep in mind that we also offer Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) courses which can easily be identified with the following symbol This course section uses open educational resources..


General Information for All Veterans/Students:

Everyone receiving VA benefits is required, by the Veterans Administration, to maintain regular class attendance and satisfactory progress to comply with the Academic Policies section of the current Grossmont College Catalog. Students should refer to the -General Education" -Degree Requirements" sections of the current catalog.


Counseling Center: For academic advising, changing majors / classes, make an appointment with a counselor every semester. (619) 644-2237


The Transfer Center is also available for information about the UC and CSU Public Institutions, as well as Independent Institutions. Refer to the -Transfer Planning" section of the current catalog. (619) 644-7150


VETERANS: Chapters 30, 31, 33, 1606 & 1607 receive FIRST DAY Priority Registration. This is about 9 weeks before the start of each semester. You are encouraged to plan accordingly to take advantage of this opportunity, then file your Intent form at the VRC. E-mail for questions about registration dates.


Military Credit: Submit your military transcript to Military transcript must be official and not sent from the student's e-mail, but sent directly from the military to the above e-mail. You will need to fill out a Request For Military Credit form and submit it to after we have verified we received the military transcript. Credit may be granted in agreement with recommendations by the ACE guidelines, up to a maximum of 20 units for work similar to Grossmont courses. Military Credit can be used toward any Grossmont College Associate Degree including Associate Degrees for Transfer. Military Transcripts may be used to meet major requirements, only with consent from the Department Chair and a Modification of Major form. You will be mailed documentation showing the results of the evaluation of your military transcript.





  • Ch 33 recipients must provide a copy of their DD214 "Member 4" and their Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VRC in order to be certified for benefits.

  • Ch 30 & 1607 recipients must provide a copy of their DD214 -Member 4" to the VRC in order to be certified for benefits.

  • Chapter 1606- Reservists must submit a NOBE, Notice of Basic Eligibility

  • Chapter 35 Dependents must have their correct VA File #. These documents are kept in individual folders monitored by the VRC staff.



Advance Payment:

New or Returning Students (who have been out of school for over 30 days) may choose to receive Advanced Payment. This must be done no later than 30 days prior to the beginning date of the semester/term. Check with the Grossmont VC for requirements, general questions and applicable dates to apply for Advance Pay. Please note that by receiving Advance Pay you will receive payment for the first partial month and the second month of the semester. The next payment will not be made until you certify at the end of the 3rd month of the semester.  As of this time, Post 9/11, Ch 33 is not eligible for advance pay.


Concurrent Enrollment:

While receiving VA Educational Benefits, students may be concurrently enrolled at more than one school during the same semester. Whichever school the student is pursuing a degree from is considered the Parent School. The other school is considered the Secondary School. Grossmont Students must fill out a -Veterans Affairs Office "Parent School letter" form at the VC. If you are attending another institution and wish to receive benefits as a Guest Student for a course at Grossmont College, an authorization form/letter from the VC at your Parent School is required. Please send this form to This form/letter states that the courses taken at the Secondary School will be credited toward the current major the student is pursuing. All -"Guest Students" are responsible for contacting the Secondary School's Veterans Office to file required forms, the Parent School Course Approval Letter is usually mailed or faxed between colleges. The Secondary School will complete the certification for Guest Student benefits.


Monthly Verification Process:

Veteran students, who receive benefits under Chapters 30, 1606 and 1607, must verify their enrollment on or after the last day of each month. Veterans receive an award letter from the VA Regional Processing Center in Muskogee, OK, after certification of enrollment in authorized courses. Once this is received, the student can self-certify. To insure prompt payment of benefits you must remember to certify every month, even if your class(es) ended before the end of the month. The earliest that verification can be done is the last day of the month. Monthly verification (self-certification) can be done via one of the following two ways: 


Internet - WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment): Easiest and shows detailed information about YOUR benefits. Go To:


Telephone- Using Interactive Voice Response (IVR)


Failure to self-certify every month will lead to your benefits being delayed or suspended.

Please be aware that Federal holidays and filing your Intent Form late, may delay the initial Certification Process and thus, timely deposit of your benefits. You are encouraged to plan accordingly and keep at least a month's benefits in reserve at your financial institution to prevent problems, especially if your benefits provide the majority of your income.


Direct Deposit: 

Direct deposit of your monthly VA educational benefits payment is available for Chapter 30, 31, 33, 1606 and 1607 recipients. This option allows faster receipt of monthly benefits, and work study payments. It also decreases the chance of missing, lost or stolen checks. If you did not request direct deposit when you applied for benefits, you may initiate the process at any time by calling the VA at:

1-877-838-2778; Monday - Friday 5:30 AM to 2:50 PM - Pacific Time.


You need to provide your VA file number, 9 digit bank routing number, and checking or savings account number. To cancel or change direct deposit or home address, fill out Form 20-572 in the VC. We will same-day-fax your request to the VA Regional Office in Muskogee, OK.



VA Work-Study Program:

This program is available to any student receiving VA education benefits who is attending school three-quarter time or more. A student working under this program may work at the school's veteran office, VA Regional Office, VA Medical Facilities, or at approved State employment offices. Work-study students are paid at either the state or Federal minimum wage, whichever is greater. If you have other questions on this program contact the VA toll-free number 1-888-442-4551, or the VC on campus.

This is a tax-free employment program. The hourly rate, currently, is $13.00 an hour, as of January 2021. Students must be enrolled in and receiving educational benefits of at least 3/4 time, 9-11.5 units/semester. Contact the Grossmont VC for summer term requirements.

For jobs at off-campus VA work study sites contact:

GI Bill Benefit Payment Rates:

Rates depend upon amount contributed and/or length of time in service (Number of months of contribution), as well as enrollment status. Inquire at the VC/ or GI Bill website for current pay rates for each chapter.


Undergraduate Enrollment Status by Number of Credits


Full Time

3/4 Time

1/2 Time

Fall and Spring (16 weeks)


9.0 - 11.5

6.0 - 8.5

Summer & Semester 8-week


4.0 - 5.5

3.0 - 3.5

Summer -- 6-week


3.0 - 3.5

2.0 -2.5

Summer -- 4-week


2.0 - 3.5


Spring intersession - 3 week




Standards of Progress:

Each student receiving VA education benefits through the VC, must follow the college's standards, as stated in the Academic Policies section of the current college catalog, to be eligible for the VA Certification process. In addition, each student must read and sign the original copy of the Grossmont College Veterans Checklist in the VC when applying for benefits. This acknowledges your agreement to follow VA rules and regulations, which the Certifying Official is responsible for administering. Students must also keep current and correct contact information on file in the VC.


Tutorial Assistance Program:

If you are having difficulty in any of your classes, you should first talk to your professor. If the difficulty is other than that which can be addressed by tutoring, you should make an appointment with a Counselor. Through the VA, up to $1200 is available for Individualized Tutorial Assistance. You must be receiving VA education benefits at half-time rate or more. If you have a deficiency in a subject necessitating private tutoring, beyond Tutoring/Learning Assistance services available on campus, students can be reimbursed for payments to a qualified tutor. The first $600 does not count against your benefits award. For questions regarding VA tutorial assistance, and to get a copy of Form 22-1990, contact the VC. Students will need to provide documentation from their instructor identifying their need for tutoring, the qualifications of, and fees paid to the tutor, to apply for reimbursement.