2003 FRS banner

The annual Fall Reading Series (a.k.a., Fall Authors Series) presents a season of events celebrating literature, showcasing award-winning authors, and honoring the inspiration to write.  Events are sponsored by the English Department and Creative Writing Program of Grossmont College, as well as a variety of other campus agencies and programs. 


Thursday, September 25

Celebration of Banned Books Reading

7 - 9 PM, Griffin Gate

2003 Banned Books poster

English faculty Joe Medina hosts and organizes this popular annual event celebrating National Banned Books Week.  Faculty and students present topics on censorship, censure, banned literature and controversial literary themes and topics. This year’s presentations include

  • Nadra Hess-Farina, Librarian:  A Librarian’s Perspective

  • Erika Lotzke, Parent and Student:  Harry Potter

  • Helix High School English Instructor:  The High School Perspective

  • Dr. Oralee Holder, English Instructor: Ray Bradbury

  • Eric Bemiller, Student:  Rodolf Anaya's Bless Me, Ultima

  • Karl Sherlock, English Instructor:  Sherman Alexie

  • April-Dawn Dunsford, Student: Nappy Hair Banned

  • Tammy Hermon, Parent and Student:  Judy Blume, Forever

  • Ryan Griffith, Allen Ginsberg's Howl

  • Manuel Moreno, Student: Machiavelli, The Prince



author Harold Jaffe

7:30 PM, Griffin Gate

2003 FRS 15 Serial Killers book cover

2003 FRS Harold Jaffe portraitSDSU Professor Harold Jaffe is the author of over 17 novels and collections, including Eros Anti-Eros (City Lights, 1990), Straight Razor (Black Ice Books, 1995), and most recently 15 Serial Killers (Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2003).  Jaffe is known for his gorilla style of satire, sometimes misunderstood for its audacious depiction of violence and sexuality that sometimes have drawn comparisons by critics to writer Jerzy Kosinsky (Painted Bird and Blind Date).  


Monday, November 15

Student Prose and Poetry Reading

7 PM, Griffin Gate

The fall edition of the biannual student showcase of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, drama, and other word art.  This semester's student readers include

  • Jill Marchland, "Erotic Poetry"
  • James Rodey, "Beloved By Asphalt" and "Holiday"
  • Shannon O'Neil-Huntoon, "Nowhere to Hide"
  • Adeline Montelongo, "It's a Hip Hop Kind of Love'
  • Melanie Moyers, "Hot Dogs and Cartoons"
  • Cassandra Fenn, "The Unappreciated"
  • John LeBarbera, "Three thousand Miles
  • 2003 Fall Student Reading program coverJason McAdams, "Interminable"
  • Greg Laskaris, "Life at Eight," "Stars," and "How To Plant Really Spiny Cactus"
  • Ha Nguyen, "Aloha Ha"
  • Carole Scimone, "Dangerous Thoughts"
  • Zachery Bearchell, "I Shot Myself"
  • Kate Savage, "Photograph Poem"