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Curriculum Guide

The “concise” Curriculum Guide linked contains the foundational details about the Grossmont College Curriculum Committee and processes. The Guide is to be used in conjunction with the website pages as well as official legal curriculum documents (e.g. Ed Code, Title 5, Program and Course Approval Handbook, Chancellor’s Office memos, etc.)

The guide contains the following information by section:

  1. Curricular Deadlines and Guidelines
  2. Curriculum Committee Review Process and Forms
  3. Curriculum Committee
  4. Resources

Please email the Curriculum Faculty Chair if you have any questions!


Feasiblity Policy

Program Feasibility Review is a process meant to assure that the College’s instructional resources are used in response to the College’s Mission, Strategic Plan and Educational Master Plan; the needs of its students; and the requirements of the community it serves.

The Course Outline of Record (COR)


The official Course Outline of Record (COR) defines the content, objectives, methods of instruction and evaluation, sample textbooks and instructional materials for the course, and more. It establishes the number of units for the course plus the number of hours of instruction and will list any prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s) required for the course.




Course Master List & Other Lists
Program and Course Approval Handbook, Technical Manual, & TOPS Code Manual 


This Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) assists California community college administrators, faculty, and classified professionals in the development of programs and courses and the submission of these proposals for review and chaptering by the Chancellor’s Office.




Accessibility Guide  

All courses that are approved for Distance Education must meet specific Accessibility requirements as outlined in Title V. Please review the guidelines if you  are interested in adding Distance Education as a mode of instruction for a course.






In 2012, there were three primary changes to course repeatability: new limitations on when a course could be designated as repeatable, new parameters were established that limited enrollment in course “families”, and a shift of justifications for course “repeatability” to student “repetition”. Below are reference materials from 2012.




Blooms Taxonomy List
TOP Codes Presentation