Project Success

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An Academic Community of Learners at Grossmont College




Cathy Miller



Project Success is...

Grossmont College English Department’s learning community program. A learning community is made up of courses that are linked—they have different instructors teaching different subjects, but they are made up of the same cohort of students. The beauty of this is that students are part of a community of peers who are going through the same experience and learning the same content. Students get to connect with these classmates, collaborate on assignments, and even study virtually with them. The instructors all work together to create engaging curriculum often centered around a common theme, problem or public issue. The assignments inspire deep thinking, powerful interdisciplinary connections, and real-world application. As an added bonus, a recent study of the program proved that students in Project Success learning communities succeed at higher rates and earn higher GPAs!


For more information about Project Success learning communities and current course links, visit the Project Success Program website.