
Arabic is the official language of 22 countries. It is a language in daily use by millions of people worldwide and the Arabic script is used by one seventh of the world's population. Arabic is surprisingly easy to learn because it is a phonetic language and, once you know the Arabic alphabet, you will quickly be able to communicate with the vast Arabic-speaking world!


Why Study Arabic?

Whether your interest is Business, International Relations, Political Science, History, Anthropology, Archeology, Journalism, Translation, or Tourism and Travel, Arabic is an invaluable and important tool for success.


Subject & Number Title Units
Arabic 120 Introductory Arabic I 5
Arabic 121 Introductory Arabic II 5
Arabic 122 Arabic for Arabic-Speaker I 5
Arabic 123 Arabic for the Arabic-Speaker II 5
Arabic 148 Culture, Languages, and Literature of the Arab World 3
Arabic 220 Intermediate Arabic III 5
Arabic 221 Advanced Arabic IV 5
Arabic 250 Conversational Arabic I 3
Arabic 251 Conversational Arabic II 3
Arabic 196 A Community Service Learning (CSLE) 1-4
Arabic 199 Special Studies/Projects 1-3
Arabic 299 Selected Topics in Arabic 1-3